
End User Computing for Dummies

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CHAPTER 3 Accelerating Desktop Deployments with Desktop-as-a-Service 37 These materials are © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Any dissemination, distribution, or unauthorized use is strictly prohibited. hardware before you even know you need it. I recommend that you work with the provider to see what they can do for you. When you buy cloud-based DaaS, you're essentially buying a service that is ready to go as soon as you provide a credit card number. With an on-premises DaaS environment, a little more work will be involved for IT. There's one huge "but" here. With either on-premises DaaS or cloud DaaS, you don't need an IT skill set that involves VDI. The provider will handle all aspects of that for you. Combining Cloud-Based and On-Premises to Enable a DaaS Hybrid Cloud No cloud discussion would be complete without a discussion of hybrid cloud. Your cloud versus on-premises DaaS options aren't mutually exclusive options. You can create a hybrid DaaS envi- ronment that leverages both to meet different needs for your organization. That said, a key aspect of DaaS is simplicity. What that in mind, any hybridization of the service can't result in new complexity. To that end, here's a look at Nutanix Xi Frame and how Nutanix enables hybrid DaaS. Desktops need to reside where applications live. For those that are running Nutanix clusters with the AHV hypervisor, adding hybrid DaaS capability is simple. The beauty is that the control plane — the services that manage the DaaS environment — remain in the cloud and you take some basic steps to connect your local clus- ter to the Xi Frame service. You also supply Xi Frame with your master desktop image and click a few buttons in the Xi Frame management console to deploy desktops onto your local Nutanix cluster. In this context, don't assume that "simple" means "basic" or anything of the sort. With Xi Frame, you can create virtual machines of different sizes, just like in VDI, but thanks to the nature of HTML5's x.264 video streaming capability, you can have workhorse virtual machines operating either in the cloud or on- premises and can manipulate these virtual machines even from a basic client.

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