
End User Computing for Dummies

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CHAPTER 1 An Introduction to End-User Computing (EUC) Concepts 7 These materials are © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Any dissemination, distribution, or unauthorized use is strictly prohibited. application and workload environment and it's at the nexus of their day-to-day needs. The devices the users use — the endpoints — to do their work are necessary components in an end-user computing environment. The endpoint is critical component number one and exists in some form in every end-user computing environment. For some environments, the endpoint is all there is. The desktop or laptop has all the client software necessary to access all the applications that the user has access to. For larger, more complex, and more secure environments, the endpoint is just the beginning. Myriad systems operate behind the scenes to make sure that the end-user computing environ- ment remains available, secure, and able to meet business and user needs. The list of components that exist in an end-user computing envi- ronment depends on the overall architecture of that environment. But some commonalities exist across many of the architectures. Table 1-1 provides a snapshot of the components to consider in support of end-user computing environments. TABLE 1-1 Components Necessary for a Complete End-User Computing Environment Component Description Endpoint device The endpoint device is the user's entry point into your application and workload environment. Operating system Every device needs an operating system to be deployed to it. Asset management system The term asset management can be used to describe a system that maintains a physical inventory, but in this context it can also refer to the overarching system that manages the desktop environment, such as Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM). Application delivery mechanism In just about every desktop computing environment, different desktops get different applications, depending on the role of the user. Further, as new applications are deployed and as updates are released, some centralized tool is needed to deploy these services. SCCM can do this, but a number of other solutions focus on providing this service as well. (continued)

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