
Containers for Dummies

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CHAPTER 1 What Are Containers? 9 These materials are © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Any dissemination, distribution, or unauthorized use is strictly prohibited. » Certified Infrastructure: This includes operating systems and cloud providers that the Docker platform is integrated and optimized for and tested for certification. » Certified Container: Software providers can package and distribute their software as containers directly to the end user. Better yet, these containers are tested, built with Docker recommended best practices, scanned for vulner- abilities, and reviewed before posting on Docker Store. » Certified Plugin: Networking and Volume plugins for Docker Enterprise Edition (EE) are now available to be packaged and distributed to end users as containers. These plugin contain- ers, built with Docker-recommended best practices, are scanned for vulnerabilities and must pass an additional suite of API compliance testing before they are reviewed and before posting on Docker Store. PULLS, IMAGES, AND THE DOCKER STORE There are a lot of terms associated with Docker, and you may be unfa- miliar with many of them. I explain much more about these terms throughout this book. But here's a quick intro: • Pulls: A pull is the act of downloading an image from a registry, such as the one provided by the Docker Hub. • Images: A Docker container running in your environment is the instantiation of an image. An image is a static file that contains all the elements that allow a container to operate. These elements include a file system and other parameters necessary for whatever workload will run in the container. Images never change and they don't carry with them any state. Images can be as simple as a single command or as complex as housing an entire application. • Docker Store: The Docker Store is a free service that provides a marketplace for enterprise developers and IT operations teams to access third-party containers, plugins, and infrastructure.

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