
Containers for Dummies

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10 Containers For Dummies, HPE and Docker Special Edition These materials are © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Any dissemination, distribution, or unauthorized use is strictly prohibited. Chances are, you've heard of physical-to-virtual (P2V), which is a process that converts physical servers to virtual images that you can then run on top of a hypervisor as a virtual machine. With containers, tools are available that can help you convert tradi- tional applications to containerized ones, making it far easier to advance in your containerization journey. You learn more about such tools in Chapter 4, but I mention them here so that you can see that, although it used to be challenging to get to a container- ized state, it's becoming far easier. Emerging and cloud-native applications Traditional applications, while still important, are so yesterday. Today's from-scratch application development is a far different beast. No longer are monolithic client/server applications being developed on a regular basis. The reasons are many and include lack of client portability, which precludes support for certain devices. Development shops now focus their efforts on cloud-native tools that can be consumed from any web browser and from any device. The browser is the client. Modern applications are developed using far different server-side practices, too. Whereas traditional applications are often one huge piece of software, modern applications are broken up into far smaller chunks to enable scaling of individual components. This also allows developers to implement security capabilities deeper in the code base. As the software development framework changes, so does the overall way that releases are handled. In many instances, what used to be an occasional big event has now transformed into a series of ongoing updates that take place on a very regular basis. Take, for instance, Microsoft Office 365. There is no "Office 365 2017" or "Office 365 2018." Instead, users are treated to regu- lar ongoing updates behind the scenes. Each month, Microsoft makes updates to the service and then makes users aware of the changes. The continuous improvement approach is becoming far more common in software circles.

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