
Containers for Dummies

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50 Containers For Dummies, HPE and Docker Special Edition These materials are © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Any dissemination, distribution, or unauthorized use is strictly prohibited. Key performance indicators (KPIs) must be defined and measured to ensure that the cross-functional team is fully aligned. Recognizing That Containers 1.0 Is Just the Beginning We often look at new technologies and wonder how we ever got by without them and what could possibly be better. We look at containers today and see so much more workload density, scaling, and portability potential that it can be hard to realize that it can get even better. Hot on the heels of containers are unikernels, or what some refer to as Containers 2.0. They're the next step in the evolution (revolu- tion?) of the data center development and application landscape, and with good reason. Containers go light years beyond virtual machines when it comes to a number of factors, but there is still a complete host operat- ing system (OS) to deal with. Many "on by default" services are inefficient and expand the attack surface of the system, making things more vulnerable than many people would like. Unikernels go to the next level. They're fully self-contained alter- natives to traditional containers that are tailored to the needs of modern microservices-centric development. They contain just the low-level features that are needed by whatever microser- vice is operating. Because there is no host operating system, if a unikernel-based service is breached, there's no easy pathway to a host operating system and the other containers running on that host.

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