
Business Case for DRaaS eBook

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Consider these key factors when evaluating DRaaS solutions per workload type: 15 oneneck.com 02 Workload Type Description Example DR solution Mission-critical High-impact workloads are essential for the business. Downtime can cause financial loss, reputational damage and operational disruption. Financial transaction systems, e-commerce platforms, customer relationship management (CRM) systems and enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems. DRaaS provider that offers reliable replication and failover capabilities to ensure minimal interruption and near-instantaneous recovery. Business-critical These workloads are important for business operations but can tolerate slightly longer recovery times. Internal communications systems like email and instant messaging, project management tools and data analytics platforms. Flexible RTO and RPO options that can be customized per workload and can allocate resources efficiently during a disaster to prioritize business-critical applications. Non-critical Non-essential workloads that can tolerate longer recovery times, making them suitable for lower- priority recovery efforts. Development and testing environments, archival data and non-essential applications. DRaaS solution with sufficient recovery capabilities and efficient storage methods to manage large volumes of non-critical data. Mixed A mix of mission-critical, business- critical and non-critical workloads. High-priority transactional systems and lower-priority development environments within the same organization. DRaaS solution that can handle different RTO and RPO targets per application and data set, offers customizable recovery strategies per workload and can easily scale to meet business growth. An upfront assessment of your workloads and their specific recovery requirements can help you choose a DRaaS solution with the appropriate level of protection to minimize downtime, safeguard critical operations and ensure business continuity. 15 oneneck.com 15 oneneck.com 07 15 oneneck.com

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