
Business Case for DRaaS eBook

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Categorize your workloads into tiers • Tier 1 (mission-critical): High impact, requires near-instantaneous recovery, minimal data loss (such as financial transaction systems, e-commerce platforms, CRMs and ERPs). • Tier 2 (business-critical): Important for operations, tolerates slightly longer recovery, moderate data loss (such as email, instant messaging, project management tools and data analytics platforms). • Tier 3 (non-critical): Low impact, can withstand extended downtime, higher data loss tolerance (such as development and testing environments, archival data and non-essential applications). Document and implement your plan Categorize each workload with assigned tiers, RTOs and RPOs and configure your DRaaS solution to meet the recovery objectives. Schedule periodic reviews and updates Check your workload categorizations and update them to reflect any changes in business priorities and technology. Perform scheduled disaster recovery tests (at least once per year) to validate that the DRaaS solution meets the defined recovery targets. Types of Workloads Different applications and data have different recovery requirements so you need more than a one-size-fits-all approach. Tailoring your DRaaS solution to your specific workloads helps your business recover efficiently, optimize your costs and maintain continuity following a disaster. Here are the steps to catagorize and tier your workloads: Identify and inventory your workloads Conduct a comprehensive inventory of all applications, databases and data sets. Map each workload to specific business functions and document their purpose, dependencies and ownership. Assess the business impact Determine the criticality of each workload and evaluate the financial, operational and reputational impact of downtime for each workload. Define your recovery objectives Establish RTOs and RPOs for each workload, align these recovery targets with the overall business continuity goals and validate them with stakeholders. 4 1 2 5 3 6 14 oneneck.com 14 oneneck.com 07 14 oneneck.com

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