
DRaaS Comparison Guide

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3 Comparison Guide: Azure Site Recovery vs Zerto vs ReliaCloud vs Xi Leap • Scalability: DRaaS solu ons can easily scale up or down to meet your changing needs. This flexibility ensures you're always paying for just the right amount of protec on. • Exper se on Demand: DRaaS providers offer expert guidance and support throughout the en re disaster recovery process. This can be a lifesaver for companies that lack the in-house IT exper se to manage their own disaster recovery plan. Why Businesses Are Embracing DRaaS Here's why companies are increasingly turning to DRaaS: • Ensures Business Con nuity: DRaaS provides a reliable safety net, so cri cal business func ons can con nue even during a disaster. • Cost-Effec veness: DRaaS eliminates the high costs associated with tradi onal disaster recovery solu ons like secondary data centers and dedicated hardware, making it a more affordable and accessible op on. • Talent Shortage: DRaaS liberates businesses from the burden of finding and retaining qualified IT professionals by providing access to expert support and guidance. • Focus on Core Business: DRaaS frees up internal IT resources to focus on core business ini a ves rather than managing complex disaster recovery infrastructure. What You Might Not Know About DRaaS There are a lot of misconcep ons about DRaaS that you should be aware of—primarily: Misconcep on 1: Disaster recovery is too expensive and me-consuming. DRaaS commonly offers a subscrip on-based model so it's affordable for businesses of all sizes. Addi onally, DRaaS providers handle the infrastructure and maintenance, which can free up your IT team's me. Misconcep on 2: Recovery Point Objec ve (RPO) is just a number. RPO defines the acceptable amount of data loss between backups in the event of an incident. Companies o en pick an RPO arbitrarily without considering how a lower RPO means more frequent backups, which can increase storage costs. When you discuss your RPO with your DRaaS provider, they can tailor the solu on to your specific RPO business requirements so you don't pay for more frequent backups than necessary. Misconcep on 3: We already know how much an outage will cost us. Many companies can es mate the cost of an outage, but understanding the true financial impact of down me requires a Business Impact Analysis (BIA). A BIA helps you understand the cri cality of your systems and data so you can determine acceptable RPOs and Recovery Time Objec ves (RTOs) – the me it takes to resume opera ons a er a disaster. Misconcep on 4: DRaaS offers complete, down-to-the-file recovery. While DRaaS provides robust data backup and recovery, it's important to understand the granularity of the solu on. DRaaS backups typically occur in larger chunks, rather than individual files. This ensures faster recovery for cri cal systems, but may not be suitable for immediate restora on of specific files. Differen ator: DRaaS providers can tailor your solu on to meet your business RPOs and RTOs DRaaS eliminates the need for upfront capital investment in secondary data centers and dedicated hardware.

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