
DRaaS Comparison Guide

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Introduc on Disasters come in many forms, from natural catastrophes like floods and fires to cybera acks and even human error. While we can't predict the exact nature of every threat, we can be prepared for their impact. A comprehensive disaster recovery (DR) plan is your organiza on's first line of defense, ensuring cri cal func ons can be restored quickly and efficiently so you can minimize down me and financial losses. It's your insurance policy against the unexpected, safeguarding your data, systems and business con nuity. However, a survey conducted among 150 technical and business decision-makers from organiza ons with at least 500 employees found that just 54% have a documented, company-wide disaster recovery plan.¹ Even more concerning, 73% of companies have experienced failure at some point.² These sta s cs indicate disaster is likely to occur, and nearly half of companies could struggle to get back on their feet a er it strikes. The need for robust disaster recovery (DR) is undeniable, yet many companies struggle to implement effec ve solu ons. Tradi onal DR op ons o en require significant upfront investment, ongoing maintenance, and specialized IT skills, crea ng a barrier for many organiza ons. Addi onally, they may not scale well with the increasing complexity and size of modern IT environments. This is where Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS) comes in. DRaaS offers a cloud-based alterna ve to tradi onal DR, which eliminates the need for a secondary data center and associated costs. It provides a readily available infrastructure for disaster recovery, managed by a service provider, that can be easily ac vated in the event of a disrup on. In this guide, we detail what Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS) is and why it could be the solu on you need to effec vely and comprehensively put your DR plan into ac on. We'll compare four leading DRaaS solu ons, including Azure Site Recovery, Zerto, ReliaCloud and Xi Leap so you can weigh the op ons and decide which path forward makes the most sense for your organiza on. Disaster Recovery as a Service: What It Is and Why You Should Care DRaaS is a cloud-based solu on that allows you to securely store copies of your data and applica ons in a remote data center. In the event your worst fears are realized, you can quickly and efficiently switch over to your DRaaS environment, minimizing down me and ensuring your business stays up and running. Beyond Backups: The Advantages of DRaaS DRaaS goes beyond simply backing up your data. It's a comprehensive disaster recovery strategy characterized by the following: • Faster Recovery: DRaaS solu ons are designed for rapid failover, allowing you to resume opera ons with minimal disrup on. This is key in a business environment where even a few minutes of down me can add up to material financial losses. • Reduced Costs: Building and maintaining your own disaster recovery infrastructure can be expensive. DRaaS eliminates the need for upfront capital investment and ongoing maintenance, making it a cost-effec ve solu on for businesses of all sizes. 2 Comparison Guide: Azure Site Recovery vs Zerto vs ReliaCloud vs Xi Leap ¹ Security Magazine ² Ibid Just 54% of companies with at least 500 employees have a documented, company-side disaster recovery plan.

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