
DRaaS Comparison Guide

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Comparison Guide: Azure, Zerto, ReliaCloud or Xi Leap? Azure Site Recovery, Zerto, ReliaCloud and Xi Leap are four leading DRaaS solu ons that offer unique features and benefits tailored to different business needs and environments. But which is right for your organiza on? This comparison guide breaks down the details of each to help you iden fy which best meets your disaster recovery requirements. Azure Site Recovery Microso 's Azure Site Recovery is a top-rated DRaaS solu on that enables businesses to replicate, failover and recover workloads running on physical and virtual machines.³ It's designed to provide business con nuity by keeping applica ons and data available during planned and unplanned outages. Pricing Model: Azure Site Recovery uses a pay-as-you-go pricing model. Each protected instance is free for the first 31 days, a er which a monthly fee is charged per instance. Addi onal costs may include Azure storage, storage transac ons and data transfer fees.⁴ Major Differen ator Azure Site Recovery's major differen ator lies in its seamless integra on with the Microso ecosystem. If your business already uses Microso products, then Azure Site Recovery makes the disaster recovery process simple. The solu on also provides robust automa on and orchestra on capabili es, so it's easier to manage complex disaster recovery scenarios. Benefits • Integra on with the Microso Ecosystem: Azure Site Recovery works seamlessly with other Microso services, such as Azure Backup, Ac ve Directory and SQL Server. This integra on provides a unified solu on for disaster recovery and data protec on. • Automa on and Orchestra on: Azure Site Recovery includes built-in automa on for replica on, failover and failback processes. This enables a smooth and efficient recovery process with minimal manual interven on. • Compliance and Security: Azure complies with numerous industry standards and regula ons, offering robust security features to protect data during replica on and recovery. This makes it suitable for businesses with stringent compliance requirements. • Scalability: As a cloud-based solu on, Azure Site Recovery can easily scale to meet your business's changing needs. Whether you need to protect a few servers or an en re data center, Azure can accommodate your requirements. 4 Comparison Guide: Azure Site Recovery vs Zerto vs ReliaCloud vs Xi Leap Considera ons • Limited Visibility: In Azure, data is stored in a way that is not accessible over the internet or network connec ons, adding an extra layer of security. This limita on, however, can also mean less visibility and control for the users over their stored data. • Cost Considera ons: Although the solu on can be cost-effec ve in the long run, you should be aware of the poten al for escala ng costs, par cularly with extensive use of storage and data transfer. • Vendor Lock-In: Azure Site Recovery is deeply integrated with the Microso ecosystem, which can lead to vendor lock-in. You may find it challenging to migrate to other solu ons in the future if your needs change. ³ PCMag ⁴ Microsoft

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