Case Studies

Engineered Seal Products – Azure Data Migration

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The Company Engineered Seal Products is a leader in the seal industry, renowned for providing engineered solu ons, extensive tes ng, and distribu ng high-quality seal products. With strategic facili es in India, China, and seven loca ons throughout the United States, Engineered Seal Products has established a strong global presence and is recognized as a pivotal industry compe tor. Customer Case Study Engineered Seal Products Azure Data Migration The Challenge Engineered Seal Products recognized limitations with its on-premises infrastructure, resulting in increased cost and management complexity. With the company's continued growth, the existing setup could not scale efficiently, leading to operational bottlenecks. This slowdown was particularly problematic given Engineered Seal Products' global footprint, which required a robust system capable of managing large-scale data flows. Prompted by these concerns, Engineered Seal Products recognized the need to transition to Azure's cloud-based environment, providing scalable architecture, improved data security, enhanced system redundancies, and reduced IT overhead. Engineered Seal Products selected OneNeck ® IT Solutions for this pivotal process due to its proven experience with cloud migrations and its collaborative approach involving knowledge transfer and empowerment of Engineered Seal Products' internal team. The OneNeck ® IT Solutions Answer The Azure migration was carefully planned to ensure a smooth and seamless transfer of data and system integrations. OneNeck not only managed the complex aspects of the migration but also engaged with Engineered Seal Products' internal team. Engineered Seal Products' staff was educated on the process, allowing them to handle many of the recurring tasks. This guidance empowered Engineered Seal Products' team while simultaneously optimizing costs.

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