Case Studies

Engineered Seal Products – Azure Data Migration

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Organiza on Engineered Seal Products Industry Manufacturing Business Challenges On-premise infrastructure limita ons, such as cost, complexity and inability to scale quickly. Solu on Migrate to Azure's cloud-based environment Engineered Seal Products Summary A substantial consideration in preparing for the migration was determining the portions of Engineered Seal Products' infrastructure that could be transferred directly to Azure and those benefi ng from Azure's advanced features for more effec ve implementa on. OneNeck played a crucial role in these decisions, providing expert advice on leveraging these capabili es. Moving to Azure has proved transformative for Engineered Seal Products' operations. Engineered Seal Products was able to utilize a scalable architecture that improved overall system performance and reliability. The change also enabled clearer visibility into operational costs and resource utilization, enhancing strategic decision-making and resource management. Additionally, enhanced security measures implemented within Azure significantly strengthened Engineered Seal Products' overall security posture. This strategic shift addressed Engineered Seal Products' immediate opera onal needs and laid a solid founda on for future technological innova ons. Now be er posi oned to handle growth and embrace new opportuni es, Engineered Seal Products is poised to maintain its compe ve edge in a dynamic global market. "Our partnership with OneNeck was crucial to this project. While we have a lot of highly capable employees, OneNeck provided them with a roadmap and the exper se to fill in any unknowns. The knowledge transfer to our team was exactly what we were looking for. Engineered Seal Products will not hesitate to reach out to OneNeck for new projects because it's not only faster, but more importantly, we know it's done with best prac ces in mind." – Network Administrator, Engineered Seal Products About OneNeck IT Solu ons OneNeck IT Solu ons LLC specializes in mul -cloud solu ons, combined with managed services, professional IT services, hardware and local connec vity via top- er data centers in Arizona, Colorado, Iowa, Minnesota, Oregon and Wisconsin. OneNeck's nearly 500 technology professionals deliver secure, modern pla orms and applica ons for organiza ons embracing data-driven transforma on and secure end-to-end solu ons. OneNeck is a wholly owned subsidiary of Telephone and Data Systems [NYSE: TDS], a Fortune 1000 ® company. 855.ONENECK ©2024 OneNeck IT Solu ons LLC. All rights reserved. All other trademarks are the property of their respec ve owners.

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