
Definitive Guide To Private Cloud

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16 Acropolis Container Services is also available to provide full container support with persistent storage for those who are deploying container-based applications now or in the future. Figure 4. Nutanix node architecture CPU SCSI Controller PCI Passthrough Memory HDD HDD SSD SSD VM I/O Acropolis Hypervisor User VM(s) Controller VM Nutanix: Full-Stack Infrastructure and Platform Services Most private cloud solutions offer cloud management on top of tradi- tional infrastructure. Unless that infrastructure has been built to scale out and has no single points of failure, the resulting environment won't deliver full cloud benefits. With Nutanix Enterprise Cloud Platform, infrastructure is delivered as a set of software-defined services—including file, block, and container storage, as well as integrated data protection and availability to support application needs—built on top of flexible, scalable infrastructure. Nutanix combines compute, storage, servers, and virtualization in a hypercon- verged platform available on a range of hardware—the Nutanix Enter- prise Cloud OS software runs on servers from Dell, Lenovo, IBM, HPE, Cisco UCS, and others—in addition to hardware supplied by Nutanix. Because server virtualization is built in, virtualization is just a feature, not a separate solution to purchase and manage.

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