
Definitive Guide To Private Cloud

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Page 14 of 35

15 Nutanix accomplishes all this without compromising the value provided by private datacenters through a combination of: • Full-stack infrastructure and platform services that deliver turnkey hybrid infrastructure for any app at any scale, anywhere • One-click operations for cloud-like operational simplicity • Pay-as-you-grow economics that allow you to buy and use just the IT resources you need, as you need them • Integrated security and control that simplifies security validation • Application mobility that eliminates infrastructure lock-in When you have an enterprise cloud architecture, you've got a foundation with the agility and features you need to succeed. You are able to reap the benefits of cloud, taking the com- plexity out of your IT infrastructure and simplifying planning. ARCHITECTURE Hyperconverged infrastructure is the foundation of the Nutanix Enterprise Cloud. Scale-out clusters of high-performance servers (nodes) contain processors, memory, and local storage. Clusters can scale from three nodes to a very large number. In addition to standard virtual machines, each Nutanix node runs a special controller VM (CVM) that acts as a storage controller for the drives on that node, providing data services for VMs running locally, as well as other nodes as needed. In hybrid clusters, each node contains a combination of flash SSDs and hard disk drives (HDDs) for performance and capa- city. All-flash nodes and all-flash clusters are also available. Each node in a Nutanix cluster has a standard hypervisor and runs virtual machines just like any other virtualized server. Nutanix AHV virtualization provides a next-generation, native hypervisor that integrates closely with the Nutanix architec- ture and is included with your Nutanix purchase at no addi- tional cost. Nutanix also provides support for VMware, vSphere, Microsoft Hyper-V, and XenServer. By supporting a wider selection of popular hypervisors than competing platforms, Nutanix is better able to meet multi-hypervisor business requirements.

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