
Definitive Guide To Private Cloud

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17 DISTRIBUTED STORAGE FABRIC The Acropolis Distributed Storage Fabric (DSF) virtualizes all storage in a cluster into a unified pool. DSF uses the local SSDs and HDDs on each node to store virtual machines and data. DSF provides a number of cloud-like features that minimize the management overhead of private cloud environments: • Data locality. The data used by each virtual machine is kept preferentially on local storage on the node where the virtual machine is running, reducing noisy neighbor effects. • Auto-tiering. Hot data is stored preferentially in flash, while cold data resides in the HDD tier. For optimal performance, data is automatically moved between tiers based on access patterns. • Auto-tuning. Nutanix delivers excellent performance for both random and sequential I/O without the need for constant performance tuning—even when multiple and/or different workloads are running simultaneously. Figure 5. Acropolis Distributed Storage Fabric (DSF) Applications and IT Services Nutanix Controller VM (one per node) CVM Hypervisor X86 CVM Hypervisor X86 CVM Hypervisor Node 1 Node 2 Node N X86 Distributed Storage Fabric Snapshots Locality Clones Tiering Compression Erasure Coding Deduplication Resilience

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