A provider that has walked the path with
similar companies in your industry is the
best trail guide. It knows the most efficient
routes, and maybe even some shortcuts, as
well as where dangerous pi alls may lie. A
CSP with industry experience can suggest
services or configura ons that help create
compe ve advantage.
An industry-insider CSP understands how
you can use AI and analy cs to make be er
use of your data. For example, we applied
industry knowledge and advised a real-
estate company on cloud services that can
help it analyze exis ng data to more quickly
evaluate proper es on the market.
Understanding your industry is also essen al
to understanding your business security
requirements as well as industry-specific
security and compliance requirements. You
want a CSP that can help you ensure that
good governance and security is in place
before, during, and a er your migra on.
Ques on
Does the CSP have exper se
in your industry?
"OneNeck and Skanska have blended
very well, and there's great mutual
trust. In fact, we're star ng to act like
a single organiza on. Overall, they
are providing a consistently superior
experience to Skanska."
Chris Stockley
Senior VP and CIO, Skanska USA Building