
Choosing a Microsoft Cloud Services Provider

Issue link: https://insights.oneneck.com/i/1234038

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According to Gartner, over the next four years, nearly all legacy applica ons migrated to public cloud infrastructure as a service will need to be op mized to become more cost effec ve. Moving on-premises legacy applica ons to the cloud is not straigh orward. In fact, legacy applica ons can cause problems if they are not upgraded or rearchitected correctly. A CSP with experience moving legacy applica ons will save you a lot of me and trouble down the line. Your CSP should be able to advise you on the most cost-effec ve architecture for the performance Does the CSP have experience op mizing cloud environments? Ques on #3 that you need. Find a CSP that can analyze your IT spend and keep you from being charged for services you don't need. Your CSP should be able to iden fy resources that are underu lized and suggest ways to upgrade to make be er use of what you have. A CSP that understands your business needs and requirements can help you build out the right cloud infrastructure to op mize your workloads. And the right infrastructure might be a mix of on-premises, co-located, hosted and public cloud solu ons. All of this saves you money — some mes a lot of money. We saved one client $30,000 per month by doing such a cost op miza on. "Switching to OneNeck led to a significant reduc on in our costs. That ul mately means we'll be able to expand our business and provide our customers with be er service." Mark Knowles CEO, Smartz 5 oneneck.com

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