
Hybrid IT for Dummies

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Hybrid IT For Dummies, HPE Special Edition 16 These materials are © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Any dissemination, distribution, or unauthorized use is strictly prohibited. And, it gets better. You can have your infrastructure and cloud economics, too. There are pay‐as‐you‐go financing opportunities from companies such as HPE that allow you to maintain an on‐premises computing model while paying for that infrastructure just as you would the public cloud. Under HPE's Flexible Capacity program, HPE owns, and supports, your choice of on‐premises equipment. You just pay for what you use based on metered usage and access self‐service reporting to forecast future demand. An on‐site buffer allows you to quickly scale up capacity when needed, and avoid spending on unused capacity. Public cloud To address capacity needs and to end the need to spend a ton of money upfront, the cloud is perfect. You simply buy what you need and no more. As you know, however, simply chucking workloads over the cloud wall isn't a viable strategy because, eventually, you'll find a workload that wrecks your budget. Public cloud carries with it charges in all sorts of locations, from compute time to storage capacity used, but also in terms of network egress. The more data you pump out of the provider's environment, the bigger your bill. Workload uncertainty can wreak havoc on your cloud bill, as can unconstrained usage from business units that may have unfettered access. Worse, as your costs go up, you may not have real visibility into why they're increasing. Once you've migrated a workload, it can become a full‐time job trying to figure out how much you're paying and whether that payment is really accurate. Corralling Infrastructure Control In recent years, there has been a movement toward empower- ing users and business units with regard to technology. As people have become savvier with regard to technology, it's been an appropriate shift that can be helpful to the organiza- tion, but that also has its challenges.

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