Rockford Mutual Insurance

December 1, 2021

The Challenge

Rockford Mutual Insurance Company was not feeling safe about their colocation facility. It was not concurrently maintainable, it couldn’t scale up, and its operational processes didn’t meet their high standards. A trusted partner was needed for managed colocation hosting services and data center security services.

The Solution

After touring OneNeck® IT Solutions’ local data center, it was clear that Rockford Mutual Insurance Company had found the right stragetic IT security planning partner. Housing critical data for backup. Simultaneous replication of data. Ensuring access whenever needed. Plus, to have OneNeck’s data center so close eased everyone’s mind.

The Results

Rockford Mutual Insurance Company realized immediate benefits: security that protects policyholders’ data, high redundancy for superior customer service, dependable colocation and, most of all, peace of mind. As a cloud managed services provider, OneNeck was the perfect fit.

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