Nutanix on HPE Infrastructure Use Cases

Businesses today are under constant pressure to innovate and accelerate digital transformation. However, current legacy approaches to private cloud present many challenges, including complex systems that require a large capital purchase along with a sizable IT operations staff, increasing software licensing and operating costs, and concerns over vendor lock-in. As a result, businesses are losing flexibility in a world that demands choice and agility.

The HPE-Nutanix partnership addresses these challenges by delivering an attractive alternative that reduces cost and complexity and enables greater choice.

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Navigating to the Cloud with a Hybrid Cloud Assessment
Navigating to the Cloud with a Hybrid Cloud Assessment

Take the time to better understand the needs of your business and define your cloud roadmap with a hybrid c...

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Where Do My Workloads Belong
Where Do My Workloads Belong

In today’s multi-cloud world, the challenge of matching the right platform to the right application and wor...