
DRaaS: Protecting Healthcare Data and Enabling Compliance

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Maintaining Compliance During Data Recovery and Backups Ensuring compliance during data recovery and backups is critical for healthcare organizations. DRaaS solutions help maintain compliance in several ways: Automated Processes: Automate data backup and recovery processes, reduce human error risk and ensure that data is consistently protected. Automation ensures that backup and recovery tasks are performed consistently and on schedule, meeting regulatory requirements. Policy Enforcement: Implement and enforce policies that align with regulatory requirements, such as data retention and destruction policies. Enforcing these policies helps ensure data handling practices comply with legal standards. Regular Testing: Conduct regular tests of disaster recovery plans to ensure that they are effective and that data can be restored quickly and accurately in the event of a disaster. This testing demonstrates the effectiveness of disaster recovery plans and helps organizations meet RTO and RPO objectives required by compliance regulations. Non-disruptive Testing: Non-disruptive testing of the recovery process in isolated test environments enables regular simulation of disaster scenarios without affecting production systems. This testing helps healthcare organizations prove the functionality and readiness of their disaster recovery plans, which is critical for compliance audits. Built-in Redundancy and High Availability: Multiple data centers in different geographic regions provide built-in redundancy and high availability. Thus, if one data center becomes unavailable, the system can automatically fail over to a secondary one with minimal data disruption. Ensuring data availability through redundancy supports compliance with regulations requiring continuous data access, such as HIPAA. Vendor Compliance Certifications: Many DRaaS providers undergo independent audits and achieve compliance certifications. Using a provider with certifications like HIPAA, GDPR or PCI DSS assures meeting stringent regulatory standards. 4 1 2 5 3 6 During 2023, the United States experienced 28 SEPARATE BILLION- DOLLAR WEATHER AND CLIMATE DISASTERS, highlighting the increasing need for DRaaS solutions to protect against such events. Yale Climate Connections 11 oneneck.com 11 oneneck.com 04 11 oneneck.com

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