
DRaaS: Protecting Healthcare Data and Enabling Compliance

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With ReliaCloud ® DRaaS, you benefit from: ▪ Comprehensive Security: Advanced encryption, multi-factor authentication and continuous monitoring to protect sensitive patient data. ▪ Regulatory Compliance: Tools and expertise to help you maintain compliance with HIPAA, HITECH, GDPR and other healthcare regulations. ▪ Reliable Performance: A 99.99% uptime guarantee, regular disaster recovery testing and 24/7 support to ensure continuous operations. ▪ Customizable Solutions: Single-tenant environments built from the ground up to match your specific security and performance needs. Don't wait until disaster strikes. Protect your organization and ensure your critical data and systems are secure, compliant and always available. To learn more about ReliaCloud ® DRaaS and how it can benefit your organization, visit OneNeck or contact our team for a free consultation. 855.ONENECK oneneck.com Keep Moving Forward. WE GOT YOUR BACK. 18 oneneck.com 07

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