
DRaaS Comparison Guide

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7 Comparison Guide: Azure Site Recovery vs Zerto vs ReliaCloud vs Xi Leap Xi Leap Xi Leap by Nutanix is a user-friendly DRaaS solu on that seamlessly integrates with Nutanix environments. However, Xi Leap will be phased out and reach its end-of-life on April 16, 2025. Businesses currently using Xi Leap will need to migrate to another DRaaS solu on. OneNeck's ReliaCloud is an excellent choice, as it integrates with Nutanix's hyper-converged infrastructure so users experience a fric onless transi on. Pricing Model: ReliaCloud offers a subscrip on-based model. This fixed, predictable model includes bundled services like infrastructure, so ware and opera onal support, making it easier for businesses to manage budgets without worrying about variable costs or hidden fees.⁶ Major Differen ator Like ReliaCloud, Xi Leap has ght integra on with Nutanix's hyper-converged infrastructure. This integra on delivers a unified management experience and streamlined disaster recovery opera ons. Benefits • Seamless Integra on: Xi Leap integrates effortlessly with Nutanix environments, providing a cohesive and streamlined disaster recovery process. • Ease of Use: The pla orm offers a simplified management interface that allows users to easily configure and manage disaster recovery plans. This reduces the complexity o en associated with similar solu ons and makes it accessible to a broader range of users. • Automated Failover and Failback: Xi Leap provides automated failover and failback processes for minimal down me and rapid recovery. • Cost Predictability: Subscrip on-based pricing ensures your business knows exactly what you'll be paying each month, making it easier to budget and manage finances. Considera ons • End-of-Life: Xi Leap will be phased out by 2025, meaning businesses currently using or considering Xi Leap will need to plan for a transi on to another DRaaS solu on like ReliaCloud in the near future. • Limited Future Support: With the end-of-life announcement, future updates and support for Xi Leap will be limited. Thus, you may face challenges in receiving mely support and updates. Xi Leap reaches end-of-life in 2025 — consider switching to a similar alterna ve DRaaS solu on like OneNeck's ReliaCloud. ⁶ Nutanix DraaS TCO Calculator

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