
DRaaS Comparison Guide

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6 Comparison Guide: Azure Site Recovery vs Zerto vs ReliaCloud vs Xi Leap ReliaCloud ReliaCloud by OneNeck IT Solu ons combines infrastructure as a service (IaaS) with disaster recovery to provide a highly customizable DRaaS solu on. The pla orm leverages Nutanix's hyper-converged infrastructure for enhanced performance and resilience. As a user, you can choose to manage ReliaCloud on your own or contract OneNeck's managed services for a white- glove experience. Pricing Model: ReliaCloud offers a subscrip on-based model. This fixed, predictable model includes bundled services like infrastructure, so ware and opera onal support, making it easier for businesses to manage budgets without worrying about variable costs or hidden fees. Major Differen ator ReliaCloud's major differen ator is its high level of customiza on and control. Unlike many public cloud DRaaS solu ons, ReliaCloud allows you to fine-tune your disaster recovery plans to meet specific requirements for greater visibility and management capabili es. Benefits • Customiza on and Control: ReliaCloud provides extensive configurability, allowing you to design disaster recovery plans that precisely meet your needs. This level of control is ideal if your company has specific regulatory or performance requirements. • Excep onal Support: OneNeck IT Solu ons offers dedicated account managers and comprehensive support services so your business receives personalized assistance and rapid response mes in the event of a disaster. • High Performance: By leveraging Nutanix's hyper- converged infrastructure, ReliaCloud delivers high performance and reliability. This means your applica ons and data are readily available and can be recovered quickly. • Cost Predictability: With a fixed, predictable cost model, ReliaCloud helps your business manage its budgets more effec vely. This is par cularly beneficial for companies looking to avoid the variable costs o en associated with public cloud solu ons. Considera ons • Specific Business Needs: Companies heavily reliant on specific non-Nutanix infrastructures might find be er compa bility and integra on with other DRaaS solu ons tailored to their environments. • Geographical Limita ons: Currently, ReliaCloud services are limited to the United States, which may be a drawback for interna onal companies or those with opera ons in mul ple regions. • Complexity for Small Businesses: While ReliaCloud offers extensive customiza on, this complexity might be overwhelming for smaller businesses without dedicated IT staff. They may require addi onal support to fully leverage the pla orm's capabili es.

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