
Backup Comparison Guide

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6 Comparison Guide: Azure Backup vs Commvault Cloud vs Veeam A downside of Commvault Cloud is a lack of feature parity with compe ve solu ons — and even the previous on-premises Commvault — that o en ma ers a great deal to enterprise organiza ons. It also doesn't have all the por ng func onality that the previous Commvault enterprise-level solu on had. Veeam Veeam performs very well with both virtual and physical environments. It supports VMs as well as physical devices, such as on-premise, network-a ached storage devices, or a physical standalone server. The solu on also supports virtual and physical tape libraries, which some solu ons no longer do. Veeam's primary advantage when it comes to performance and efficiency is its replica on and near- me recovery point objec ve (RPO) capabili es. Rather than spending hours copying data over from a backup, you can replicate a full copy of the backup to a virtual machine. When you need to restore your data, it instantly fails over to the virtual machine and you're good to go. You can even choose which version you fail over to. This is par cularly valuable for business-cri cal servers with data you can't afford to lose. You can create a replica of that data using con nuous data protec on and replicate it to a secondary site. If the primary site is compromised, you can failover to the VM and con nue opera ng right away. On top of that, you have the flexibility to do a reverse replica on to then fail back or take a replica copy and bring it up in an isolated zone to test an upgrade or troubleshoot an issue without impac ng produc on. Veeam also offers significant granularity with mul ple op ons for recovery from backups, such as storage replica on, VM replica on, files, permissions, and more — a notable advantage over Azure's more rigid setup. Add-on features like Veeam Orchestrator allow you to coordinate an automated failover, as well as run a test failover to document the process and meline for it. One of the downsides of using Veeam is that the management console is on a Windows pla orm, which makes it vulnerable to viruses. In addi on, the solu on makes backups in Azure or AWS a bit difficult. For example, if your organiza on has on-premise VMware, Veeam takes backups in a format na ve to VMware, but if you're making a copy of that for Azure, it's s ll in the na ve VMware format. It can't be replicated but can only be saved as a backup copy. Cost Azure Backup Azure Backup is consump on-based, meaning you only pay for the servers you back up, and you don't have to buy licenses. You also have the op on of ered storage, which allows you to move your backups to a cheaper er a er 30 days. However, with a consump on-based product like Azure Backup, it's also difficult to predict exactly how much backup is going to cost. That's because you don't always know from one month to the next how much data you'll use and need to store, or how many files will change. Commvault Cloud Commvault Cloud offers a SaaS pricing model, which meters your costs based on the number of servers you back up and the amount of data you store. The solu on itself doesn't cost anything so the upfront investment is lighter, and you have the ability to centrally manage, cull down, and store less data to reduce costs. It's also scalable; you can start with a very low pricing model and scale up as high as you need as your business grows. Veeam Veeam's cost-effec ve pricing and all-inclusive, per-workload license that includes backup and replica on are appealing to those seeking data backup in a virtualized environment. Veeam is also hardware-agnos c, which has cost advantages. Many backup solu ons require you to host your data on their appliance, which means that if you decide to move to a different solu on, you may not be able to con nue accessing your data without con nuing to pay for their license. Veeam always gives you read access to your data, even if you choose to no longer use their solu on.

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