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Risks are moun ng The impact of ransomware-triggered shutdowns and data loss is profound on the vic m organiza ons. First, there's the payout itself. A successful ransomware event, on average, costs about $4.44 million 6 with no guarantee of ge ng the data back in working order. Then there's the impact to your brand and nega ve market percep on, which leads to lost investors, clients, and revenue. Last, there is down me, which is a cri cally relevant factor for Microso 365. Microso 365 down me and the lack of access to cri cal business data can have las ng adverse effects that extend far beyond the painful financial losses, becoming a drag on opera ons—and the bo om line—for months or years to come. Playing Your Role in Data Protec on Despite Microso 365's importance on business opera ons, there is a growing disconnect in how to protect (and who is responsible for protec ng) data living within it. Many organiza ons hold the misconcep on that cloud service providers (including Microso ) are responsible for BOTH administering the SaaS applica on AND protec ng the customer data living within it. That's what the cloud is for, right? Wrong. The reality? They're not. Microso provides a highly resilient pla orm and goes to great lengths to secure data residing within Microso 365. However, like cloud service providers, they follow what is known as the shared responsibility model, where they own the underlying infrastructure—and the customer is responsible for protec ng their data. Failure to acknowledge the customer's role in data protec on has introduced unmanaged risk to countless businesses as they o en assume that the na ve tooling and default configura ons are good enough. Sadly, this misstep leaves many companies ill-equipped to properly combat and deal with ransomware a acks–many realizing this gap only a er irreversible data loss or a destruc ve breach has occurred. 7 Fulfilling your business' role in the shared responsibility model: The cloud service provider's (CSP's) role: The cloud service provider is responsible for the infrastructure and underlying services. Your (the customer's) role: Data protec on is the customer's responsibility. This includes data entering, stored within, and leaving the system.