
Your Path to Microsoft 365 Ransomware Protection

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Dedicated Solu on Required Protec on measures don't stop with simply understanding the shared responsibility model; they require purpose-built tools to properly safeguard and recover data from today's threats. We find three key components where dedicated solu ons extend beyond na ve capabili es—to offer advanced protec on from ransomware, internal bad actors, and accidental dele on events. Data Isola on While malicious a acks can encrypt business data in Microso 365 produc on environments, separate and immutable backups maintain a protected data copy that cannot be tampered with, altered, or deleted in the event of a breach. By storing data copies outside of Microso 365 in a separate security domain, third-party solu ons can ensure that ransomware a acks which successfully penetrate Microso environments, cannot also infect backup copies. Extended Reten on While Microso offers short-term reten on via its recycling bins, it's cri cal to employ a long- term data reten on policy and solu on that removes any limita ons you might otherwise encounter with your SaaS-na ve backup op ons. This means all ac ve and deleted data can be recovered in the event of a breach, regardless of how old the data is. Rapid Recovery Backing up data means nothing without recovery. When it comes me to restore business- cri cal data within Microso 365, it's impera ve that you have fast, flexible, and full-fidelity recovery op ons. Purpose-built solu ons offer the performance and precision needed to quickly restore invaluable data, limit down me, and deliver higher levels of business con nuity.

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