
The 7 Dimensions of Security Culture

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22 The 7 dimensions of security culture of a wider set of cognitive processes, including but not limited to: awareness, action, emotions, memory, senses, thinking, planning, reasoning, and problem solving. Assessments of employee cognition are important for organizations for various reasons. Foremost, knowledge is a necessary condition for other processes to unveil in order to have a secure organization. Knowledge and related cognitive processes are usually measured via self-reporting method, which gives good enough data, as it shows how confident users feel regarding a phenomenon 48 . We are interested in understanding and improving the process of acquiring knowledge and understanding of security-related issues. Information security awareness is important, but not a comprehensive approach in understanding cognitive processes related to security. We suggest that researchers and practitioners should look more broadly than the concept of security awareness and combine understanding processes of acquiring and using knowledge with other dimensions of security culture to get a comprehensive understanding of the role that knowledge plays in security of organization. Higher levels of cognition help employees understand critical factors in improving security culture, such as how important their behavior is in sustaining or endangering the security of the organization, which can help build a sense of responsibility as well as support a sense of belonging and improve communication channels. It is paramount that awareness trainings and other educational tools designed to build knowledge of security are tailored to the needs and learning styles of the individual. Tailoring education using target audiences improves the effectiveness of security culture programs, increases employee involvement and engagement, and improves cognition. The information gathered by security culture metrics can be used identify these needs and create target audiences.

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