
Definitive Guide To Private Cloud

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8 Application Lifecycle Management and Cloud Orchestration The Nutanix Enterprise Cloud Platform makes it simple to deliver a powerful, application-centric automation with Nutanix Calmâ„¢. Calm provides native application orchestra- tion and lifecycle management, fully integrated with the Nutanix management interface: Nutanix Prism. (Nutanix Prism is described in detail in chapter 3.) Calm decouples application management from the underlying infrastructure, enabling applications to be easily deployed into private or public cloud environments. With Calm, IT can empower end users and other teams, such as application developers or business analysts in a line of business to deploy and manage applications in a self-service manner, while retaining full control of the infrastructure. App Lifecycle Management Self Service and Governance One-click Infrastructure Management One-click Operational Insight One-Click Planning App Mobility Fabric Distributed Storage Fabric AHV (Built-in Virtualization Calm Hybrid Cloud Management Prism Acropolis Figure 1. Nutanix Calm simplifies application provisioning

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