
Definitive Guide To Private Cloud

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7 Nutanix Enterprise Cloud OS software leverages the industry's most popular hyperconverged technology with comprehensive operations management and an automation and orchestration framework to deliver any application with one-click simplicity, and provides the foundation for a multicloud architecture. This book will help you understand the Nutanix Enterprise Cloud Platform, including interface and infrastructure, and provide advice on how to figure out which applications belong on-premises and which belong in the cloud. UNDERSTANDING DIFFERENT CLOUD TYPES Public Cloud An external company provides a cloud interface from which VMs can be provisioned. The interface abstracts the hardware and removes hard- ware planning from the equation. Usage is billed on a consumption basis and treated as an operating expense. Public cloud often takes the form of infrastructure as a service (IaaS). Private Cloud An organization's internal IT team provides a self-management and provisioning portal for end users. The services are similar to what the public cloud, but access is restricted. Private cloud services may be hosted and/or managed by an external cloud service provider with your IT team retaining some or all of the control over resources and networking. Hybrid Cloud A hybrid cloud combines elements of private and public cloud. Some of your workloads run on-premises, while others run in a public cloud (such as GCP, AWS, or Azure) or at a cloud service provider. Multicloud As cloud computing becomes ubiquitous for enterprises, workloads are increasingly being distributed across multiple private clouds, public clouds, remote and branch offices, field deployments and service providers. This is referred to as multicloud. With workloads distributed across public and private clouds, the risk of vendor lock-in may be reduced. Enterprise Cloud An enterprise cloud is designed specifically for enterprise needs and tailored to meet the requirements of both existing enterprise applications and next-generation applications. Correctly architected, an enterprise cloud transcends previous conceptions of the cloud, delivering the bene- fits of private, hybrid, and multicloud in a way that best fits with your business needs. The key is choosing a service provider that can deliver on enterprise cloud needs such as an X-Powered Service Provider.

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