
Definitive Guide To Private Cloud

Issue link: https://insights.oneneck.com/i/1380812

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Page 29 of 35

30 Cloud Security Recent high-profile security breaches have elevated the importance of security in IT infrastructure decisions. Rather than rushing to retrofit security capabilities to existing pro- ducts, Nutanix recognized security as a core requirement from the beginning. Nutanix Enterprise Cloud OS is security hardened by default. It utilizes the principle of least privilege and delivers a true defense-in-depth model. Its custom security baseline exceeds the requirements of the U.S. Department of Defense. Nutanix combines features such as two-factor authentication and data-at-rest encryption with a security development lifecycle. This is integrated into product development to help meet the most stringent security requirements. Nutanix systems are certified across a broad set of evaluation pro- grams to ensure compliance with the strictest standards, and Nutanix is forging partnerships with leaders in the security industry to help you achieve your security goals. Nutanix: Integrated Security and Control Maintaining security with traditional infrastructure comprised of products from multiple vendors can be time-consuming and prone to error. Nutanix Enterprise Cloud OS utilizes a security-first design in which security specifications and testing are built into every step of product development. The result is a security-hardened infrastructure stack that delivers comprehensive end-to-end security with automated security validation and self-healing.

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