
Definitive Guide To Private Cloud

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31 UNIFORM SECURITY POLICIES ACROSS CLOUDS With Nutanix Calm, you can establish security policies for every application and ensure that those policies are applied uniformly both on-premises and in the cloud. This ensures policies are applied consistently and eliminates hours of tedious manual security configuration and verification tasks. The result is better security with far less effort. Thanks to the hybrid-cloud management capabilities of Calm, you can guarantee that your applications always have the right profiles attached, export the logs for inspection or collection, and audit exactly who did what when to understand why something fell out of policy. ENCRYPTION Data-at-rest encryption is delivered through self-encrypting drives (SED) that are factory-installed in Nutanix hardware and software based encryption. This provides strong data protection by encrypting user and application data for FIPS 140-2 Level 2 compliance. These security mechanisms enable compliance with data- at-rest encryption requirements set forth in HIPAA, PCI DSS, and SOX standards. SECURITY DEVELOPMENT LIFECYCLE Nutanix uses a unique, well-defined Security Development Lifecycle (SecDL) to incorporate security into every step of the software development process, from design and development to testing and hardening. Embedding security awareness into the software lifecycle ensures that all soft- ware releases are secure, without slowing down the overall development process.

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