
Definitive Guide To Private Cloud

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6 Even IT administrators may be tempted by the public cloud when management interfaces are too complex, not flexible enough, or make dealing with new additions or upgrades nearly impossible. And even the best interface won't make up for a bad foundation. Your cloud infrastructure should: • Scale quickly and easily • Respond readily to business changes and directives • Minimize or eliminate the effects of noisy neighbors • Support your developers and DevOps efforts • Accelerate the process of application deployment and management Making Cloud Decisions The question you need to ask yourself is not, "Will we use a cloud?" but rather, "What is our cloud strategy?" To develop that strategy, you have to ask some hard questions: • How much of the cloud experience will you deliver to users? • Where should different workloads run? On-premises? At a cloud service provider (CSP)? At a Software-as-a- Service (SaaS) provider? In a big public cloud such as Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Amazon Web Services (AWS), or Microsoft Azure? Users, of course, don't care where an application workload runs, they care about the service levels delivered—and the cost. • What infrastructure will you use on-premises? • Even if your users don't want or need the full cloud-like experience, how can your business benefit from a cloud strategy? The Nutanix Enterprise Cloud Platform is designed to deliver both the interface and infrastructure to help you get your cloud strategy right and accelerate business transformation. Nutanix Enterprise Cloud delivers the simplicity, agility and fractional IT consumption benefits of public cloud, with the control and security needed in the enterprise datacenter.

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