
Definitive Guide To Private Cloud

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21 Why NASDAQ Chose Nutanix Enterprise Cloud and AHV The NASDAQ stock exchange runs a complex multi-hypervisor environ- ment to meet its diverse needs. NASDAQ chose the Nutanix Enterprise Cloud Platform and AHV to meet the infrastructure needs of a rapidly growing Splunk environment. The team was already familiar with KVM, the open source hypervisor on which AHV is based, so they knew AHV was a technology they could trust. But AHV is 100% integrated with the Nutanix Enterprise Cloud Platform, so Nutanix Prism eliminates the well-known challenges of managing open-source KVM. Since AHV is included with the Nutanix platform, it substantially lowers the total cost of ownership for the stock exchange, making its use a no-brainer as they move into a hybrid cloud paradigm where they are increasingly hypervisor agnostic. NASDAQ has been extremely happy with the performance gains it has seen. All types of Splunk queries run at least 2x faster on Nutanix versus traditional systems, even with just three Nutanix nodes versus five physical nodes. From an operational perspective, the team really likes the deployment agility. Nutanix scales quickly and easily to adapt to growing needs. The current cluster is being expanded. Read the full NASDAQ case study for more information. Nutanix: Zero-Click Operations Nutanix provides a universal control plane spanning private and public cloud, eliminating management complexity. An intuitive interface and comprehensive REST APIs covers the entire stack: VM operations, virtualization, compute, storage, backup, applications and disaster recovery across a single site, multiple sites, and public cloud. Machine intelligence and self-learning capabilities drive end-to-end automation—the platform becomes smarter with time. Management is built on the principle of consumer-grade design, minimizing time to productivity. Automatic infrastructure optimization and remediation take the place of many routine tasks with the end goal of eliminating the need for daily operator involvement.

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