
Definitive Guide To Private Cloud

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22 Jabil Choose Nutanix and Microsoft for Cloud Needs Jabil is a global manufacturing services company that helps customers design, build, and take products to market affordably and efficiently. It has 90 facilities in 23 countries and more than 150,000 full-time employees. The company deployed a Microsoft cloud running on Nutanix Enterprise Cloud Platform to deliver the IT infrastructure scalability needed to accommodate rapid business growth. The company's IT staff can now automate many more IT processes, deliver servers quickly, and increase capacity on demand. "With 35 datacenters around the world, it got to the point where we couldn't scale our systems and manage them as efficiently as we wanted to," says IT Systems Architect at Jabil. "We wanted to consolidate our datacenter footprint and increase efficiency." Jabil IT decided to build its cloud on the Microsoft platform—Windows Server, Hyper-V, Microsoft System Center, and Windows Azure Pack— all running on Nutanix Enterprise Cloud. "Nutanix had what we wanted: an infrastructure that would let us start small and scale out gradually. The Nutanix platform supported Hyper-V and contained integrated solid-state storage fed by intelligent tiering that would boost applica- tion performance. Once we saw how simple it would be to deploy and manage, the Nutanix platform was a no-brainer." The choice of Azure Pack allows Jabil to easily scale beyond its own datacenters as needed, while Nutanix greatly simplifies the on-premises infrastructure lifecycle. "Once hardware reaches maturity, we don't have to do a big bulk decommissioning of servers; we just upgrade individual server nodes one at a time," the IT Systems Architect concluded. Read the full Jabil case study for more information.

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