
Definitive Guide To Private Cloud

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20 FULL REST APIS Any task that can be performed via Prism can also be performed using REST APIs or a library of PowerShell cmdlets. As a result, you can easily incorporate Nutanix data management capabilities as cloud services. AHV When you use cloud services from a large public cloud such as AWS or Azure, you don't know or care what hypervisor is running. You only care that it works simply and reliably. That's what Nutanix AHV virtualization delivers. AHV is the preferred hypervisor choice for Nutanix Enterprise Cloud because of its low cost and native integration with Nutanix Prism. Traditional hypervisors were designed for a world of mono- lithic non-VM-aware storage arrays and switch fabrics; they were built to accommodate thousands of combinations of servers, NICs, and drivers. They require multi-pathing policies and complex designs to mitigate issues such as storage congestion and application resource contention while still accommodating high availability and scalability. Acceptable performance often requires segregating workloads. AHV virtualization was designed from the ground up to provide a much simpler and more scalable hypervisor and associated management platform by leveraging the soft- ware intelligence of the Nutanix Enterprise Cloud Platform. AHV liberates virtualization from the domain of specialists, making it easier for IT generalists to deploy and manage. AHV is based on the proven Linux KVM hypervisor to ensure support for all popular workloads and is hardened to meet the most stringent enterprise security requirements. It is fully supported by Nutanix, which means that you get full infrastructure and virtualization support from a single vendor with no hidden costs.

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