
Definitive Guide To Private Cloud

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19 Powered by advanced data analytics and heuristics, Prism streamlines common IT workflows, providing a single inter- face for managing your entire IT environment including servers, storage, data protection, security, and virtualization. Prism makes configuring, monitoring, and managing Nutanix solu- tions remarkably simple. One-click management reduces the administrative burden and the potential for operator error while eliminating the need for planned downtime. Prism One-click Planning includes sophisticated scenario-based modeling, based on X-Fitâ„¢ machine intelligence, so that you can foresee the impact that changes to the IT environment will have on application performance and availability. ONE-CLICK MANAGEMENT One-click software upgrades. A consistent pain point for any IT environment, especially a private cloud, is keeping system software and firmware up to date. IT administrators spend countless evening and weekend hours on upgrade tasks, not to mention the expensive professional services required with some platforms. Prism takes the pain and disruption out of upgrades, allowing them to be executed during normal business hours. Intelligent software does all the heavy lifting, eliminating the need for detailed upfront planning. Nutanix operating software and hypervisor software on each node is updated using a rolling methodology that eliminates disruption to running jobs. One-click remediation. In the event of alerts or failures, Prism suggests remediation actions that you can initiate to correct problems quickly. With one-click remediation, the mean time to repair and restore services is greatly reduced, significantly improving availability.

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