
Definitive Guide To Private Cloud

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Page 13 of 35

14 Enterprise Cloud Infrastructure: Nutanix Enterprise Cloud Platform It can be a struggle to implement a private cloud on top of traditional enterprise IT infrastructure with separate servers and storage connected by storage networks. Despite its familiarity, this type of infrastructure is difficult to scale, slow to respond to business needs, prone to noisy neighbor problems, and complicated to manage. These challenges are amplified in a cloud environment. Enterprises are discovering that they can achieve better cloud results using hyperconverged building blocks that provide compute capacity and storage capacity on each node—similar to the approach used by many of the large public clouds. The right hyperconverged infrastructure provides many of the cardinal virtues of cloud including self-healing, simplified capacity planning, easier automation, and reduced management overhead. Nutanix Enterprise Cloud ticks all of these boxes. One OS, One Click Nutanix Enterprise Cloud bridges efficiency and performance gaps. A single software fabric unifies your private and public clouds, and delivers one-click simplicity in managing multicloud deployments. Nutanix enables application mobility across clouds while remaining open to any hardware, hypervisor or cloud.

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