

Issue link: https://insights.oneneck.com/i/1337644

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Contact Us Connect Chapter 1 It's time to transform Welcome to the dawn of digital transformation. We are witnessing the most dramatic shift in consumer shopping behaviors, preferences, and expectations the retail industry has ever seen. The dawn of the digital transformation economy is poised to radically reshape the way companies do business, which means it's no longer an option for retailers to digitally transform. It's a survival imperative. To succeed in this new economy, businesses must create a unified strategy, across every channel, to develop and optimize compelling digital transformation experiences. And because emerging trends are also driving many internal changes—including workforce productivity and store operations—a successful digital transformation must include strategic investments in agile, dynamic technologies that extend across every area of the business. According to research firm IDC, over the next three years, changes in customer expectations will be one of the top drivers of industry transformation. • Retailers will succeed or fail based on their ability to meet—and exceed—demanding performance benchmarks. • These benchmarks are driven by increasing demand for improved customer experiences enabled by emerging technologies. • Digital transformation can no longer be limited to proofs of concept or one-off projects; instead, they will become core retail operations. Get the report The retail perception of digital transformation 78% 50% 91% of executives say that digital transformation will be critical within two years. 1 of top-performing retail brands are more likely than others to use analytics when managing store-level activities. 3 9 out of 10 companies compete primarily on customer experience. 2 of employees believe that digital capabilities can fundamentally transform how they work. 4 1 MIT and Capgemini 2 Gartner 3 Aberdeen 4 MIT and Deloitte

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