
6 Challenges Driving Cloud Adoption

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3 oneneck.com These days, the cloud seems to move at the speed of light. As such, successful cloud deployments require the help of cer fied experts with skills in mul ple categories, including cloud architecture, deployment, security and performance op miza on. As a result, cloud experts are in short supply and high demand. This lack of exper se or resources presents a significant barrier as most IT organiza ons who don't have the resources they need internally. Training of IT and development staff is cri cal to helping address this challenge. With already stretched IT budgets, some mes it simply isn't cost effec ve to have to train, hire and retain the exper se required. One way to fill in the gaps in any organiza on is to leverage third-party managed cloud providers. External help enables an organiza on to accomplish everything from assessing an applica on's cloud readiness to selec ng the right cloud for a specific workload, and then dealing with the hassles of migra on. Leveraging third-party cloud providers can provide the following benefits: Access to Experts: Cloud Providers have the exper se on staff provides you with access to the professionals who can deploy, run and op mize your applica ons, reducing your need to hire this exper se in-house. Streamline Opera ons: Cloud providers can ensure a smooth flow of data between necessary for opera ons to run efficiently, and will allow your management team access to the data they need in order to make intelligent business decisions. Op mize Performance and Scalability: Deploying your data and applica ons in a managed cloud environment ensures that the infrastructure supports the applica on's interoperability, scalability, database, bandwidth and security requirements. Easily Monitor and Support Applica ons: Managed cloud providers can monitor and support applica ons meaning your opera ons will run smoothly and end users will be happier. Adapt to Change and Reduce Complexity: Through the use of best prac ces, standardiza on and automa on you gain the ability to adapt to changes quickly and reduce the overall complexity of your IT environment. To choose a provider for your organiza on, look for one with related exper se, who offers cloud, managed services and professional services to assist you through your cloud transi on and beyond. Lack of Resources and Exper se Challenge 1 Insufficient cloud IaaS skills will delay half of enterprise IT organiza ons' migra on to the cloud by two years or more through 2022. To sa sfy the need for skilled cloud professionals, enterprises looking to move to the cloud should leverage managed service providers with a proven track record of successful migra ons. Gartner: 4 Trends Impac ng Cloud Adop on in 2020

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