
6 Challenges Driving Cloud Adoption

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2 oneneck.com The IT services industry has undergone massive, and disrup ve changes over the past decade. Virtualiza on, cloud compu ng, the growth of mobile and Big Data have reshaped user expecta ons and the reality of how compu ng is delivered. As a result, today's CIOs are no longer solely responsible for the management of IT, but now for suppor ng business growth by reducing costs, increasing efficiencies and driving innova on – all in effort to build a strategic advantage. The solu on – cloud. But before tackling the journey to the cloud, IT leaders must understand what is driving the move to the cloud. There's actually a strategic reason behind every cloud adop on effort, and iden fying and priori zing these cloud drivers is the key to success in developing and execu ng your cloud strategy. In this eBook, we examine these challenges that the cloud solves, while also considering some of the reasons the cloud can help your organiza on keep pace and compete in a digital world. Pain ng the Picture... 93% Embrace mul -cloud as a key component of their overall IT strategy Flexera: State of the Cloud 2020 of ENTERPRISES

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