
6 Challenges Driving Cloud Adoption

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7 oneneck.com While the cloud has opened the door to endless possibili es in today's rapid-fire pace of business, it has also increased security and compliance risks. This is why governance control is key in moving to the cloud, as it is the mechanism through which organiza ons can ensure effec ve management of informa on security in the cloud. Without it, organiza ons are opening the door to: Increased Spend: While the cloud brings greater agility, it can also bring increased costs due to Shadow IT, where users, without IT's consent, turn up cloud pla orms on which to run their department workloads. In fact, Cisco research finds that, on average, CIOs es mate their organiza on is using only 51 cloud services, while the actual number is closer to 730. Data Loss: Shadow IT means there could be corporate data residing outside typical controls designed to ensure security and compliance. Lack of understanding the impacts of security risks, compliance complica ons, and poten al legal issues within different deployments of the cloud can open an organiza on up to risk. Missing Deadlines: Since IT has no control over the development of the cloud provider's capability/func onality, there may be long development lifecycles. The lack of ability to quickly roll out compe ve func onality can quickly lead to lost customers and profits. At the end of the day, cloud governance is ghtly woven with business goals and policies to ensure that services are op mized for user expecta ons. Because IT and business goals are ghtly woven in a joint strategy, it is important to look at cloud governance from a holis c business perspec ve. Start looking at the rela onship between IT and the business units and start working with them early to understand what their needs are for IT and to find out why these individuals are going outside IT and the corporate standards. It really comes down to enabling the business. IT and security execu ves need to enforce data policies and procedures, all while ensuring mobile worker produc vity and mee ng employees needs for maximum produc vity. This cloud governance can be accommodated through risk analysis and management, led by a qualified security professional. They will ensure risk is properly managed and balanced against the needs of the business and individuals who require cloud services. Only then will companies have a sound cloud governance strategy. Governance and Control Challenge 5 The global cloud compu ng market size is expected to grow from 371.4 billion in 2020 to 832.1 billion by 2025, at a Compound Annual Growth Rate of 17.5%. Research and Markets: Cloud Compu ng Market by Service Model, Organiza on Size, Ver cal and Region - Global Forecast to 2025

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