
6 Challenges Driving Cloud Adoption

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6 oneneck.com Private Cloud Complexi es At its most basic defini on, private cloud compu ng represents the collec on of assets that are fully controlled, operated and managed by the owning en ty. Out of that pool, IT can create VMs in any configura on. Many IT professionals are intrigued by the idea of a private cloud to reduce performance bo lenecks, simplify management and maintain a higher level of security and compliance. While private cloud can be en cing, there are s ll roadblocks that drive IT to public third- party, cloud resources. These include: Up-front Cost: Convincing an organiza on to spend a quarter of a million dollars for a private cloud solu on, even if it will cut IT spending, is a huge investment. Poten al Unused Resources: Unlike public cloud, private cloud is not delivered through a u lity model or pay-as-you-go basis because the hardware is dedicated. So, there is the poten al for unused and unnecessary resources in an on-premises solu on. Hybrid Complexi es: Merging cloud and in-house processes is rarely simple, and some work is necessary to enable the kind of automa on and orchestra on features that make private cloud appealing. IT may end up needing to turn to third-party tools and possibly a third-party consultant. Performance Management: Many IT professionals don't ac vely manage system performance, even a er virtualizing. But to really get the benefits of cloud, performance monitoring should be a cri cal part of any private cloud strategy. It's important to embrace performance and capacity management at a data-center level when adop ng private cloud. Not Changing Processes: Ins tu ng a private cloud isn't just about installing new technology; it's about having a workforce that uses the features of the cloud to their fullest extent in their work process, and when organiza ons fail to recognize the need for adap ng processes, their private cloud will meet challenges and poten ally fail. So, which way is right? Public or private? The answer lies in what is best for your organiza on. When it's me to implement your cloud strategy, work with a vendor that has deep understanding of the technical aspects of both private and public clouds and can help you make the right choices. Challenge 4

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