
6 Challenges Driving Cloud Adoption

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4 oneneck.com Security and Compliance The risks of cloud migra on are largely captured in one word – security, and many organiza ons not adop ng cloud say security as the reason. Make no mistake – there will be a acks on the cloud. The cause for this is not because of the cloud itself, but because there are more deployments in the cloud than ever before. Maintaining compliance and ensuring visibility into controls is key for cloud users, no ma er what cloud architecture your organiza on adopts public, private or hybrid. Here are a few measures you can take to mi gate your risk in the cloud. Start With a Plan: Organiza ons should strategically approach their migra on to the cloud. Begin with a thorough evalua on of your data to iden fy the most sensi ve and valuable. Then set policies to protect that data by defining best prac ces and implemen ng appropriate governance and compliance controls. Assess Security Protocols: Security begins with the physical security of the cloud provider's premises. The provider should restrict physical access to its premises as well as limit which employees can access your servers. They should provide encryp on of logs and data and provide network-level security features including next genera on firewalls, intrusion detec on and preven on so ware. Review Cer fica ons: The provider should have security-related cer fica ons. Depending on your industry and the data you plan to hold in the cloud, make sure the provider has appropriate compliance mandates, such as HIPAA. Don't just take their word for it; review any independent audit reports and plan your own periodic reassessment. Understand Your Risks: Don't just rely on network-level security but build strong security func onality into the applica on layer. Encrypt sensi ve data both in mo on and at rest. Conduct tests and vulnerability assessments that verify the security of your cloud-based data. A majority of a acks are ini ated through web applica ons so find out how your cloud provider protects against these vulnerabili es. Stay in Control: Understand that even though you have ve ed your cloud provider it is ul mately your responsibility to understand the risks of your data, apply controls and manage SLAs. In addi on, you need to train your employees in safe compu ng prac ces and define and enforce BYOD policies and controls. The cloud offers amazing benefits for those who properly implement and secure their infrastructure. Ensure that you have do ed all your i's and crossed all your t's when it comes to keeping your organiza on safe in the cloud. Challenge 2 When it comes to securing their assets on cloud, businesses across the globe are expected to spend $12.6 billion by 2023 which is almost a double increase from $5.6 billion seen in 2018. Forrester: Cloud Security Solu ons Forecast, 2018 to 2023

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