The Digital Age has changed the world. The
emergence of advanced technologies like ar ficial
intelligence and flexible cloud compu ng has
ushered in an era in which customers have become
accustomed to on-demand communica ons, online
services, and other enhancements to their daily lives.
Those same users now expect the same experiences
in dealing with city and county government agencies
as they do with their other service providers.
In response, local government leaders have
aggressively begun searching for ways to modernize
their opera ons and infrastructure to be er support
the ongoing enhancements to ci zen services,
improve public safety ini a ves, and gain much-
needed agility in mes of crisis.
This eBook will highlight the latest technology
trends public sector organiza ons are using
to transform their opera ons and give local
government and other public sector leaders the
informa on they need to be er understand how
to strategically plan and execute public service and
safety plans using 21st Century tools.
Crea ng modern services
for the modern city.
The average U.S. ci zen
spends up to 5 hours per
day on mobile devices.
92% of that me is spent
in mobile applica ons.