Jumping on the emerging tech trends for local
governments isn't as simple as just flipping a
switch. It requires a lot of planning, research, and
collabora on to put together the right plan that
sa sfies the community's immediate and future
needs while addressing the reali es of budgetary
and talent constraints.
Instead, many agencies are beginning to
successfully transform their systems and ci zen
services infrastructure by working with outside
partners to get it right. They're recognizing the
full effect on their communi es of relying on
legacy infrastructure that's ill-equipped to meet
the demands of ci zens in the age of Digital
Transforma on.
As a result, government leaders and community
visionaries are increasingly seeking out teams of
experts in hybrid infrastructure and mul -cloud
solu ons with long track records of working with
governments and public sector organiza ons.
Taking the smart approach
to smart technologies
Organiza ons like OneNeck combine an expansive
product and service por olio with an extensive
network of technology partners to help local
governments plan and execute a smart, targeted,
and phased approach to digital transforma on that
improves community safety, ci zen engagement,
and posi ons the towns and ci es to flourish in the
decades ahead.
oneneck.com/industries/government to learn
more about OneNeck IT's Hybrid IT solu ons
for government can solve cri cal problems while
mee ng the requirements to sa sfy both the
mission of delivering quality service and staying
within budget.
(855) ONE-NECK
Gold Certified
Master Specialized in
Data Center and Hybrid Cloud