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Minneapolis is the largest municipality in Minnesota
with more than 400,000 residents, forming half of the
Twin Ci es with the neighboring state capital, St. Paul.
Minneapolis serves as a center of commerce for the region,
including support for a large agricultural region with food
processing, as well as manufacturing, compu ng and
health services. In fact, 15 Fortune 500 companies maintain
corporate headquarters in Minneapolis. Running the City's
infrastructure requires a complex enterprise network with
customized so ware for each government department and
The Challenge
The City of Minneapolis had been working with their
previous IT outsourcing partner for 13 years and desired
to find a new managed services and outsourced IT partner
to manage the City's IT infrastructure. In addi on, the
exis ng network infrastructure was aging, and the City
Case Study
City of Bend
Reliabiity Connec ng
the City
The City needed to develop a
secure, robust and fail-proof data
center without inves ng hundreds
of thousands of dollars. They
turned to OneNeck for help.
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needed an experienced IT services partner to provide
cloud and managed services that encompassed server,
storage, network, security, database, OS and data
protec on services. A er issuing a comprehensive RFP for
outsourced IT services, the City of Minneapolis selected
OneNeckĀ® IT Solu ons out of a field of 18 prospec ve
partners to handle this comprehensive list of services.
The City chose OneNeck because of the company's
track record in dealing with large customers making
complex transi ons, as well as the projected cost savings,
experience-backed Service Level Agreements (SLAs),
flexibility and extensive cloud services. In signing the
contract with OneNeck, O o Doll, CIO for Minneapolis,
said, "Their ability to meet our objec ve for fast, flexible
provisioning of services is only one of the reasons why the
City selected OneNeck."
City of Minneapolis