(855) ONE-NECK |
OneNeck also has strong company roots in the Minneapolis-St. Paul area
following the acquisi on of a local IT company by OneNeck's parent company,
Telephone and Data Systems, Inc. (TDS). OneNeck has 65 employees based in
the Minneapolis area and the ability to deliver a variety of hybrid IT solu ons
including coloca on, managed services, hosted services and cloud compu ng.
A er signing the mul -million dollar, five-year contract with the City, it was up
to the OneNeck team to demonstrate they could do the job and implement a
successful transi on in less than 10 months.
The OneNeck IT Solu ons Answer
Because of OneNeck's comprehensive hybrid IT service offerings, OneNeck
had all of the resources needed to manage the City of Minneapolis' compu ng
infrastructure. As part of the contract, OneNeck would provide coloca on services
leveraging OneNeck's na onal footprint of purpose-built, highly-secure data
centers it owns and operates. One data center was to host the City's produc on
applica on environment, while disaster recovery for mission-cri cal and business-
cri cal applica ons would be supported from another OneNeck data center.
OneNeck also was able to bring all the exper se required to maintain enterprise
opera on including managed services for networking equipment such as routers,
switches and firewalls across 70 loca ons. Data hos ng using OneNeck's'
ReliaCloud® infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) pla orm was able to support more
than 250 servers with 180 terabytes of data, including dedicated servers for non-
virtualized assets.
The OneNeck team also brought the exper se to transi on and upgrade cri cal
components the City's PeopleSo environment to support human resources and
finance. Migra on included transi oning and suppor ng hundreds of applica ons
for specific city services, such as waste management, land management, parks and
recrea on and more.