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The Challenge Mar n Health Services (MHS) provides comprehensive pharmaceu cal services to more than 200 long-term and residen al care facili es across Iowa. Services include assembling and delivering custom prescrip on orders for pa ents and residents, maintaining pa ent records and managing prescrip ons, providing generic drug subs tu ons and offering comprehensive consul ng and advisory services. The company maintains three business loca ons: Johnston, Storm Lake, and its headquarters in Denver, Iowa. Much of MHS's business relies on enterprise systems designed to managed electronic medical records (EMRs) and provide secure, remote access to pa ents' drug records. For example, MHS uses eMAR, an Electronic Medica on Administra on Record system, to simplify prescrip on record- keeping using a touch-screen interface to enter and track drug orders. MHS also offers Webconnect, a web-accessible medica on informa on system that allows caregivers to access pa ent prescrip on records, check deliveries, order refills, change medica ons and more. To interconnect the three MHS offices and provide clients with secure web access to pa ent records, MHS was maintaining its own data center at its Denver headquarters. However, carrier services and power were proving unreliable. Frequent outages were impeding data access and making it impossible to maintain mely orders and client records. Every me carrier services or power failed, opera ons in Denver simply stopped. Since MHS had no control over service reliability, they had find another approach to establish reliable connec vity for the company and its clients. The obvious solu on was to move the data center off site to a loca on with more reliable carrier and power services. That's when they called in OneNeckĀ® IT Solu ons to learn more about their coloca on services. The Company Mar n Health Services (MHS) specializes in proving long-term care pharmaceu cal services throughout Iowa. MHS Pharmacy packages and delivers prescrip on medica ons to assisted living and residen al facili es, servicing more than 200 care facili es across the state. The company has a friendly, experienced staff available 24/7 to meet customers' unique healthcare needs. Customer Case Study Martin Health Services Using colocation to manage medical records