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The Challenge La ce determined that due to growth and other issues it was me to implement a new, company- wide ERP system. A er analyzing several op ons, the company leaders determined Microso Dynamics AX was the best fit for La ce. It was a big project, made larger by the fact that third-party integra on of specialty applica ons with Dynamics AX was also part of the scope. La ce had been hos ng its hardware and so ware on-site in one of the company's U.S. facili es. With a full understanding of the cloud ERP model from a cost, disaster recovery and performance perspec ve, La ce began evalua ng virtual solu ons and data center op ons. The company's IT execu ves considered bids from OneNeckĀ® IT Solu ons and several other providers for the hosted infrastructure management exper se required to support their huge ERP implementa on and their possible transi on to a cloud environment. A er a rigorous selec on process, La ce determined OneNeck had the level of Dynamics AX experience required to successfully implement both the enterprise so ware and a comprehensive hos ng solu on. The OneNeckĀ® IT Solutions Answer A er careful analysis with the La ce team, it was determined a fully virtual Dynamics AX environment would meet the company's requirements without requiring in-house exper se. Once the Dynamics AX implementa on was complete, OneNeck transi oned the responsibility for managing and suppor ng the pla orm to La ce's applica on hos ng and managed services personnel. A er this project was completed, OneNeck also migrated the company's SharePoint applica on to a cloud hos ng pla orm. OneNeck provided the hardware, virtualiza on so ware, switching and SAN infrastructure. Through its Service Level Agreement, OneNeck also guarantees system availability of 99.9% for La ce's cloud hos ng solu on. The Company La ce Semiconductor Corpora on designs and develops innova ve, low-cost, low-power, programmable logic devices. Based in Hillsboro, Oregon, La ce is the worlds leading provider of ultra-low-power programmable IC solu ons for makers of smartphones, mobile handheld devices, small-cell networking equipment, industrial control, automo ve infotainment and much more. With more than one billion units sold over the past 10 years, La ce ships more FPGAs, CPLDs and power management solu ons than any other programmable solu ons vendor. La ce serves a wide range of industries, including communica ons, compu ng, consumer, industrial, automo ve, medical and military end markets. Founded in 1983, the company employs approximately 700 people. La ce went public in 1989 and trades on the NASDAQ stock exchange. In addi on to its Oregon headquarters, La ce operates U.S. facili es in San Jose, California, Chicago, Illinois and Bethlehem, Pennsylvania as well as interna onal loca ons in Singapore, Manila, Shanghai and Bangalore, and has sales offices in ci es around the world. Customer Case Study Lattice Semiconductor Transitioning to a cloud environment: OneNeck fully hosts virtual Dynamics AX platform